I never send out an uncertified family member, friend, or subcontractor to set up or pick up Radon testing. I handle everything myself to ensure it is done right and quality / accuracy is maintained. This results in virtually zero callbacks or issues later on which harm the reputation of the Realtor that recommended me.
Protocol is always followed. While it is easier to cut corners to save time and play politics - I will always take the road that protects the interests of the party ordering the test. Evidence of tampering or interference is presented to the Realtor and client and appropriate, reasonable recommendations are made. I know we can't expect ideal conditions for every test, but I do everything reasonable and within my ability to get an accurate measurement. I treat each test as if I'm measuring a home my immediate family member will be moving into.
Preventative Maintenance. Expectations are set and the needed environment is communicated to the parties involved, so there is less room for errors.
Cutting edge education and experience. Please click on the link in my signature where it shows NRPP ID 107466RT. There you will see that not only do I hold Analytical Certification through National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP), much higher continuing ed credit & experience than most in the Triangle area, I also hold Advanced Certification for Measuring Multifamily Buildings. This level of training and experience makes a difference when combined with the most accurate and reliable Radon Monitors in the industry. Consider this when other companies are putting most of the focus on the monitors they use, the monitor just measures the room it's been put into - it's up to the experience of the Radon Tech to address all of the other environmental factors that WILL affect a test's accuracy.
We have the most competitive prices in North Carolina.
The fees listed below are our base prices for Wake and East Durham Counties.
Please call or email us for a quote for testing North/East of 540, as there may be a trip charge for longer distances.
The trip fee is $1.00 per minute of driving.
**Discount Given if performed with Radon in Air Testing on the same trip
Our Radon tests are scheduled/confirmed within 12 hours of placing your order. The completed Radon report for closing will be e-mailed to you within 12 hours after the test is finished.
Here are the National Consensus Standards for Every Building Type.
This Guide answers important questions about radon and lung cancer risk. It also answers questions about testing and fixing for anyone buying or selling a home.
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This Guide answers important questions about radon and lung cancer risk. It also answers questions about testing and fixing for anyone buying or selling a home.
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For a homeowner looking for "peace of mind" testing.
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